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Travel & Vacation

Cleaver Woods Museum

The Cleaver Woods Recreation Park is a 32-acre forest reserve

Nariva Swamp

The Nariva Swamp is the largest, most diverse wetland ecosystem

Wild Turtle Dive Safari

 Wild Turtle Dive Safari is well-established and a decent choice

Extra Divers – Crown Point

 Extra Divers are based at the Surfside Hotel in Pigeon

Frontier Divers

Frontier Divers is one of Tobago’s oldest and most established

La Brea Pitch Lake

This is the largest natural deposit of asphalt in the

R& Sea Diver’s Company

Company provides diving services

Asa Wright Nature Centre

One of the top birdwatching centres in the Caribbean, this

Chaguaramas Military History Museum

Consisting of 12,000 sq ft of indoor displays, this museum